
Now, you are one step ahead with Garanti BBVA FX Trader platform through which you can trade quickly and reliably at a leverage ratio up to 10 times over more than 40 parity, commodity and global indices in forex markets. You can easily perform your technical analysis and trading transactions by monitoring the instant global markets data.

Garanti BBVA FX Trader Web Platform

The Garanti BBVA FX Trader platform is an electronic web platform enabling you to trade in the Forex markets in any environment with access to the internet.

Through Garanti BBVA FX Trader you can easily follow foreign currency parities and commodity and global indices and quickly and reliably perform your trading transactions.

With the help of the developed technological graphic infrastructure, you can further deepen your technical analyses and catch up on the market news.

How to Log-in to Garanti BBVA FX Trader

You can log in to our web platform and mobile application right now by using your real and demo account information.

Garanti BBVA FX Trader Log-in

How does Garanti BBVA FX Trader operate?

  • Transacting: Buy / Sell orders, order correction, order improvement and order cancellation are executed for any desired CFD and parities. 
  • Data Monitoring: Instant session monitoring, exchange rates, global markets, news and developed technical analysis opportunities may be monitored through a single screen with the TradingView infrastructure.
  • Independent Transaction: In the course of data monitoring and trading transactions, enter Garanti BBVA FX Trader web platform directly.
  • Personalization (Customization): On the data monitoring screen, with the help of HTML5 technology, the display of any desired data and the page design may be adjusted by the user and saved and stored as different pages. Thanks to this feature, you will have the ability to complete your transactions at any venue through prerecorded screens.
  • Easy Trading: Trading may be executed by also viewing the price data and information either via the data monitoring screen or through the portfolio.
  • Quick Buy & Sell: Buy & Sell transaction may be performed by only entering the quantity information for the symbol selected by viewing the price data and information.
  • Collateral: You can instantly monitor your maintenance margin by following up on collateralization transactions and cash flows.
  • Portfolio Monitoring: You can retrieve and instantly reach the retroactive price, quantity data and information regarding your open positions. Furthermore, you can display the details of the orders given and may also send Buy & Sell orders for the closing of the same positions through the same screen.

GarantiBBVA FX Mobile

  • You can trade on both the iOS and Android platforms by monitoring the Forex market data.
  • You can review your trading Forex market transactions at any time via Garanti BBVA FX Mobile application.
  • You can analyze foreign currencies and CFD’s and close your positions.

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