
Trading Channels

It is easier now for you to make investments by using the investor-friendly solutions offered by “Garanti BBVA eTrader” application which speeds up your equity, futures and option contract transactions and through which you can perform data monitoring, trading, technical analysis and many other transactions.

Now, you are one step ahead with Garanti BBVA FX Trader platform through which you can trade quickly and reliably at a leverage ratio up to 10 times over more than 40 parity, commodity and global indices in forex markets. You can easily perform your technical analysis and trading transactions by monitoring the instant global markets data.

You can trade in International Markets stocks, ETFs, ETNs and futures with Garanti BBVA I-Trader.

While watching the data on BIST, trading on stock and futures (VIOP) is easy with Garanti BBVA Securities' platforms. You can manage both your portfolio and your accounts, as well as instant data and news feeds.

Your satisfaction is our priority. Therefore, our expert and experienced team is always ready to answer all of your investment related questions in the fastest way through our Investor Support Center.

We are always here!

Your satisfaction is very important

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