
International Equity (Stock) Markets

Garanti BBVA Securities offers global trading services in 24 country stock exchanges. Open an international account with Garanti BBVA Securities and carry out your transactions practically and reliably!

Access to World's Leading Stock Exchanges

Garanti BBVA Securities offers you the privilege of accessing many of the world's leading stock exchanges!

You can easily invest to stocks of companies in Europe, US and Asia, both execute your equity and future trading transactions in the world's leading stock exchanges / markets. You can perform stock and futures trading transactions in international markets quickly and reliably via mobile or web applications from anywhere with our Garanti BBVA I-Trader platform.

Garanti BBVA Securities offers you a wide range of investments in stock markets on US exchanges like as NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX, also Europe exchanges like as FSE (Germany), LSE (London), PAR (France), ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) and foreign futures contracts.

Foreign stock exchanges, which play important roles as a live indicator of the global economy, can provide various advantages for your investment plans. You can also diversify your portfolios and evaluate potential return opportunities through the US and European Stock Exchanges. Click here for foreign exchanges that you can trade.


How to Open a Real Account?

If you wish to open your international markets account with a digital contract without going to the branch, you can fill in the form on the link to submit your request. Or you may also visit Garanti BBVA Branches to open your account.

In addition, by opening a demo account, you can promptly start to experience trading foreign stocks through the Garanti BBVA I-Trader platform.

Please click for a demo account opening.

Garanti BBVA Securities International Trader

On which exchanges can I make transactions through Garanti BBVA Securities International Trader?

Countries Stock Exchange Name Stock Exchange Code Trading Hours (TSI*) Trading Hours (Local Hour)
Germany Deutsche Börse (XETRA) FSE 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
USA American Stock Exchange AMEX 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET
USA NASDAQ NASDAQ 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET
USA NASDAQ (Small Cap) NSC 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET
USA New York Stock Exchange NYSE 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET
USA New York Stock Exchange NYSE_ARCA 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET
Australia Australian Stock Exchange ASX 03:00-09:00 10:00-16:00 AEST
Austria Wiener Börse VIE 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
Belgium Euronext Brussels BRU 10:00-18:40 09:00-17:40 CET
Denmark NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen CSE 10:00-18:00 09:00-17:00 CET
Finland NASDAQ OMX Helsinki HSE 10:00-18:30 10:00-18:30 CET
France Euronext Paris PAR 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
Holland Euronext Amsterdam AMS 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
UK London Stock Exchange LSE 10:00-18:30 08:00-16:30 GMT
UK London Stock Exchange (IOB) LSE_INTL 10:00-18:30 08:00-15:30 GMT
Ireland Irish Stock Exchange ISE 10:00-18:30 08:00-16:30 GMT
Spain BME Spanish Exchanges SIBE 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
Sweden NASDAQ OMX Stockholm SSE 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
Italy Borsa Italiana/ Milan Stock Exchange MIL 10:00-18:30 09:00-17:30 CET
Norway Oslo Bors / Oslo Stock Exchange OSE 10:00-18:30 09:00-16:20 CET
Portugal Euronext Lisbon LISB 10:00-18:30 08:00-16:30 CET
Hong Kong Hong Kong Exchanges HKEX 04:30-11:00 09:30-16:00 HKT
Canada Toronto Stock Exchange TSE 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET
Canada TSX Venture Exchange TSX 16:30-23:00 09:30-16:00 ET

*Trading hours may vary depending on Daylight and winter Saving Time practice. Trading hours in the table are determined according to summer time.

Note: Pre-market orders start work 2 hours 30 minutes ** before the market opening. On the Daylight Saving  Time at 14:00 ** local time and on the winter time at 15:00 ** local time. Post market orders for Us equities are not accepted.

Click for fees and commissions.

Cash Deposit and Withdrawal

How can I deposit or withdraw cash to my Garanti BBVA Securities International account?

After your account is opened, you can transfer the relevant amount to your foreign investment account in the currency you prefer  by following the steps below in order to start trading. You can easily do this by following the Garanti BBVA Mobile > Transactions > Investments > Foreign Markets > Deposit or Withdraw Money steps.

You can reach us for your fund transfer request until 17.00 (TSİ) during the week days. The execution of your fund transfer request can take upto 2 working days.

In foreign and international trades, income, stamp and similar other taxes or legal deductions may vary, and all taxes that may be levied pursuant to the regulations of the Stock Exchange and/or laws of the relevant jurisdiction will be under the responsibility of the customer.

Please kindly note that foreign market exchange-traded funds (ETFs/ETNs) cannot be traded with online trading platforms in accordance with the letter of CMB numbered 12233903.315.99-220.

For any questions, you can access our Investor Support Center via telephone at 444 0 630 between 09:00 and 00:00 hours during the week days.

Risk and Price Information Form Regarding Equities and/or Other Quasi-Equity Instruments in Foreign Markets.

We are always here!

Your satisfaction is very important

444 0 630