
Tradable Leverage Ratios

You may check in the following table the swap and maximum leverage ratios to be applied on currency pairs and precious metals.

Symbol SWAP Maximum Leverage Ratio Target Spread
AUDCAD -6,70 -8,20 10:1 4,3
AUDCHF 0,20 -11,20 10:1 6,1
AUDJPY -100 -1.500 10:1 4,4
AUDNZD -10,70 -5,20 10:1 6,8
AUDUSD -5,00 -8,00 10:1 2,1
CADJPY -100 -2.200,00 10:1 3,3
CHFJPY -250,00 -1.800,00 10:1 4,6
EURAUD -24,00 -2,20 10:1 5,3
EURCAD -15,20 0,75 10:1 4,7
EURCHF -5,40 -9,20 10:1 2,5
EURDKK -47,00 -110,00 10:1 4,2
EURGBP -5,50 -9,00 10:1 2,2
EURJPY 100,00 -2.200,00 10:1 2,2
EURNOK -125 -50,00 10:1 28
EURPLN -100 -60,00 10:1 35,6
EURRON -75 -5 10:1 49
EURSEK -70,00 -100,00 10:1 26,6
EURTRY -7.500,00 150,00 10:1 10
EURUSD -6,90 0,20 10:1 1,7
GBPCAD -7,00 -12,00 10:1 4,3
GBPCHF 0,20 -22,05 10:1 5,4
GBPJPY 750,00 -3.750,00 10:1 3,6
GBPTRY -9.000,00 300,00 10:1 14
GBPUSD -6,50 -3,00 10:1 2,3
NOKSEK -7,00 -14,00 10:1 8
NZDUSD -7,5 -4,5 10:1 3,4
USDCAD -2,20 -8,40 10:1 2,4
USDCHF -0,50 -15,00 10:1 3,4
USDCZK -10 -750 10:1 61
USDDKK -45,00 -100 10:1 9,5
USDJPY 1.000,00 -2.950,00 10:1 2,2
USDMXN -600 50 10:1 20,4
USDNOK -45,00 -95,00 10:1 27,4
USDPLN -55,00 -20,00 10:1 27,5
USDRON -55 -30 10:1 47
USDRUB -5000 1000 10:1 66,3
USDSEK -30 -100 10:1 23,3
USDSGD -40 -25 10:1 3,3
USDTRY -5.000,00 100,00 10:1 7
USDHUF -15.000,00 -500,00 10:1 25
USDZAR -475 72 10:1 103,8
XAGUSD -55,00 -10,00 10:1 26
XAUUSD 11,00 -76,00 10:1 25

Swap figures are amounts applied for 1 lot.

Specified spreads are target spreads. Spreads may expand under market conditions of unusual mobility or increasing volatility.

If you wish, you may also select an account type to which swap income is not applied.

It is also possible to trade with unleveraged (1:1) account type.

In swap calculations, 3-days’ swap is reflected into the investor’s accounts on Thursday in the case of USDTRY, USDCAD and USDRUB currency pairs, or on Wednesday in all of the other currency pairs.

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